Visualizing the training process over various optimization surfaces.
Discussion around the activation loss functions commonly used in Machine Learning problems.
Accessing and using the SDumont infrastructure for Deep Learning research.
A comparison between edge-based segmentation, Felzenszwalb's method and morphological segmentation.
Efficient clustering algorithms implementations in TensorFlow and NumPy.
Applying the Fourier Transform over images using TensorFlow.
Implementing a few numeric operations over images using Python programming language.
Explaining AI with Grad-CAM.
My qualifying exam presentation at IC - Unicamp, presented in the year of 2022.
Video presentation for the paper, presented at IEEE SSCI 2021.
Video presentation for the article, presented at VISAPP 2022.
Q-Learning applied to the navigation problem, using NAO robot and V-REP simulation environment.
Aquarium project, written in Java.
Apresentação do projeto final da disciplina IA368CC da Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, ofertada no segundo semestre de 2021.
Apresentação do projeto final da disciplina MC886/MO444 do Instituto de Computação (Unicamp), ofertada no primeiro semestre de 2021.
Bellow is a short (and unorganized) list of my scientific and technical contributions.
L. David, L. Liborio, G. Paiva, M. Severo, E. Valle, H. Pedrini, and Z. Dias. "Adversarial Feature Hallucination in a Supervised Contrastive Space for Few-Shot Learning of Provenance in Paintings," in 2023 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), 2023, pp. 1-6
G. Bianchin, L. David, R. Padilha, A. P. da Silva, F. de Paula, L. Infante, L. Jorge, P. Xavier, and Z. Dias'. "Bias Assessment in Medical Imaging Analysis: A Case Study on Retinal OCT Image Classification.," in ICAART (3), 2022, pp. 574--580
Application of multiple strategies involving deep convolutional networks in the solution of the "Planet: Understanding the Amazon from Space" challenge.
Published at Jun 19, 2021 Satellite Imagery Multi-label Convolutional Networks Portuguese
Application of texture-describing methods to extract descriptors of texture samples.
Published at Jun 16, 2021 Computer Vision Texture
Segmentation of geometric shapes and blood cells using classic Computer Vision techniques.
Published at Jun 12, 2021 Computer Vision Segmentation
Application of the Discrete Fourier Transform over images using TensorFlow.
Published at May 7, 2021 Computer Vision FFT
Implementation of basic operations over images using Python programming language.
Published at Apr 6, 2021 Computer Vision Vectorization
A comparative analysis of multiple convolutional networks-based strategies to identify and classify art-related digital artifacts. In a first stage, we conduct our experiments over the VGDB2016 dataset, comprising art pieces from Vincent van Gogh and his peers. We then expand our strategy to a broader multi-class scenario, seeking to distinguish paintings from 1,584 different authors.
Published at Sep 23, 2019
GPU implementations for the mathematical operations commonly employed in the development of convolutional networks.
Published at Dec 14, 2017 CUDA Portuguese
Searching network architectures using Hill-Climbing and Genetic Algorithms.
Published at Dec 5, 2016 Portuguese Local Optimization Genetic Algorithms
Exemplifying the training of neural networks as an evolutionary process. Network parameters are modeled as individuals and genetic algorithm is used to optimize the population accordingly.
Published at Jun 1, 2016 Portuguese Genetic Algorithms
Presentation of linear and non-linear classic dimensionality reduction methods.
Published at Dec 7, 2015 Dimensionality Reduction Manifold Learning ISOMAP
A study of the foundations of nonlinear dimensionality reduction through Manifold Learning.
Published at Dec 7, 2015 Dimensionality Reduction Manifold Learning ISOMAP
Será abordada a relação entre educação e computação, que se torna cada vez mais próxima. Mais precisamente, os objetos de aprendizagem, elementos essenciais nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem da educação a distância ou projetos de educação complementar.
Published at Jan 15, 2013 Portuguese Education
"MinMax-CAM: Improving Focus of CAM-based Visualization Techniques in Multi-label Problems"
Speaker •
"Connoisseur: Provenance Analysis in Paintings," presented in the Applications of Deep Learning II track.
Speaker •
"Authentication of Vincent van Gogh's Work," presented in the Biometrics, Cryprography and Security track.
Speaker •
"Superpowers with Natural Language Processing," illustrating commercial cases for natural language processing techniques and algorithms.
Speaker •
Participant in Computing Conference organized by GDG Campinas.
Participant •
Co-speaker for poster titled "Anomaly Detection and Failure Prediction in Industrial Machinery" (in Portuguese), describing the work performed at Solvian Tech for its multiple clients.
Co-Speaker •
Computing Week at Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
Organizer •
Computing Week at Universidade Federal de São Carlos.
Speaker •
Full retriever for art and metadata in
Efficient explaining AI algorithms for Keras models
Final Project for Artificial Intelligence 2016-1 class at UNICAMP.
Official implementation for the paper "MinMax-CAM: Improving Focus of CAM-Based Visualization Techniques in Multi-Label Problems"
A Java environment in which we (and AI agents) can play the game Magic: The Gathering.
RESTful APIs creator based on resource schematics.
Final project as student at Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos.
A basic API for artificial intelligent agents described in the book "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", by Russell and Norvig.
Experiments with gpu support, persistent logging and stable docker env.
Convolutional Nets implemented in pyCuda.
Exploring shortest-paths in the Traveling Salesman Problem.
The Alpha game made in Unity3D
Provenance Analysis in Paintings
Tensorflow implementation for ResNet38 dilated, with weights
A tiny demonstration of how to build with grapher.
Edge Score algorithm implementation
Introduction to Machine Learning, 2021/1
Tensorflow experiment template.
Neural Networks II class at Universidade Federal de Campinas
Academic management application
Introduction to Image Processing, 2021/1
Bread Quest game (final project for GMAP 260, Drexel University)