Introdução ao aprendizado de máquina, pt. 2

Modelos lineares e otimização numérica. – Oct 26, 2017

Aqui, vamos falar um pouco sobre modelos lineares e seus funcionamentos básicos. Exemplos são dados por trechos de código na linguagem python.

ML Regression Scikit-Learn Portuguese

Introdução ao aprendizado de máquina, pt. 1

Um guia introdutório em Português e Python – Oct 26, 2017

Aprendizado de máquina e IA, em geral, têm ganhado muita tração nos últimos anos. Cada vez mais, indivíduos percebem as grandes vantagens das abordagens relacionadas e as utilizam para resolver seus problemas. Para você que não está familiarizado com esses termos, inteligência artificial é o ramo da ciência da computação preocupado em desenvolver máquinas que apresentem um comportamento inteligente. O aprendizado de máquina é a sub-área da IA que busca criar esse comportamento através da ideia de aprendizagem (a máquina aprende sozinha como resolver um problema).

ML Portuguese

Experimenting with Sacred

The basics on experimenting with sacred: executing, logging and reproducing – Oct 2, 2017

When studying machine learning, you'll often see yourself training multiple models, testing different features or tweaking parameters. While a tab sheet might help you, it's not perfect for keeping logs, results and code. Believe me, I tried. An alternative is Sacred. This package allows you to execute multiple experiments and record everything in an organized fashion.


Effective Code Versioning

Digging Deep in Code Versioning with GIT – Oct 2, 2017

Some weeks ago, I've started this blog with this very subject. Today, as requested by a reader, I'll go back and try to talk a little bit more about versioning focusing on GIT, it's problems and how to avoid/fix them.


Repository Pattern

Understanding A Data Abstraction Pattern – Oct 2, 2017

Real life applications might have to communicate with more than one data source. Data might be coming from/going to different places and it's hard to keep it simple, as you have to implement the interaction with all of these places individually. The repository pattern abstracts the data layer (how you store and retrieve your resources), making it transparent to the business layer.


Web APIs and REST

Some Needed Insight on the Whys of Application Interfaces – Oct 2, 2017

This post will show you a different way to build web services, applications and pages. Well, at least I hope. The concept of APIs has been around for years but, statistically speaking, it's still not so diffused as we'd like it to be. But first, I want to make it clear why I've opted for writing this post, which is mainly theoretical.


Code Conventions and Personal Hints

My Perspective on Multiple Examples of Coding – Oct 2, 2017

Conventions are created by people. They encapsulate, inherently, these same people's preconceptions and opinions. Bottom line is: they are not necessary logical (although, in many cases, much study is done before adopting a convention). Therefore, it is okay to disagree with conventions and what they state.



Going Through the Model-View-Controller Pattern. – Oct 2, 2017

I can't wait to get to the advanced topics such as N-Tier and REST! But they just won't make any sense - or at least they won't be so easily digested - until we're all familiar with some other concepts, such as MVC. Let's make it quick then: MVC stands for Model-View-Controller and it's an architectural/design pattern (see an instance of the discussion) and a reasonable opinion.


Object Relational Mapping

An Overview on How ORMs Work in Multiple Languages – Oct 2, 2017

The understanding over Object Relational Mapping, or ORM, is fundamental to any good programmer. There are extremely few situations where its usage isn't recommended, if any at all.


Python virtualenv and Dependency Management

The basics project's dependency management using virtualenv – Oct 2, 2017

If you like Java or C#, you most likely have had contact with Maven or NuGet. These are both amazing utilities that can help you managing your projects and their dependencies. These tools will basically retrieve packages from a repository and install them somewhere, making them easily [imported|used|updated|removed] (read this as a regular expression). They can also modify or create structures or files inside your project, providing you a starting point for doing something. There is much stuff here, check out their web-pages to see what I'm talking about.


Code Versioning

The basics on GIT and code storage – Oct 2, 2017

Versioning is one of the most basic ideas in software development, but is treated with such contempt that lots of people only start to actually use it after too much manual effort. Someone somewhere at some point said: "the idea of a human doing a task that could be automated by a machine just makes me sad". I think this sentence sums up pretty much everything about versioning: you can develop without it, sure, but it would be just painful and, considering the formality of computers, it would just result in a worst job, most likely.
